Wilco Engineering F*ck up Nights - A Live Session

Wilco Engineering F*ck up Nights - A Live Session
Written by
Shedrack Akintayo
February 1, 2023
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For the recently concluded Wilco Quest Builder Hackathon, we had an exclusive session with members of the Wilco Engineering team and a special guest Miri Yehezkel. In this session, each person talks about the time they have F*cked up while working in production and ended up causing either a downtime or an even bigger problem. The sessions shows that no matter how experienced you are in software development, nobody is prone to making mistakes.

Watch the full session here:

Despite the Wilco Quest builder Hackathon being over, you can still build quests using the Quest builder, please check out the official page for the Wilco Quest Builder to get started.