In this blog post, we will learn about Nuxt.js, a powerful framework for creating server-rendered Vue.js applications. We'll start by reviewing the core concepts of Vue.js, then delve into the features that make Nuxt.js a leading tool for modern web development.
Nuxt.js is a framework for building server-rendered Vue.js applications. It provides a higher-level application framework on top of Vue.js, adding features like automatic code splitting, routing, and server-side rendering.
Before we dive into Nuxt.js, let's review some core concepts of Vue.js:
Nuxt.js comes with a lot of features to help you in your development between the client side and the server side such as asynchronous data, middleware, layouts, etc.
Let's see how we can set up a Nuxt.js application. We will use create-nuxt-app, a tool made by the Nuxt.js team.
// First, install the tool with npm
npm install -g create-nuxt-app
// Next, create a new Nuxt.js application
create-nuxt-app my-nuxt-app
Follow the prompts to set up your application. Once the setup is complete, navigate into your application directory and start the development server:
// Navigate into the application directory
cd my-nuxt-app
// Start the development server
npm run dev
Nuxt.js automatically optimizes your application for performance by splitting your code into "server" and "client" bundles. During development, you will only see the "client" bundle, which is a single JavaScript file containing your entire application. However, when you build your application for production, Nuxt.js will create a separate "server" bundle. This separation allows Nuxt.js to pre-render your application on the server and send a fully-rendered page to the client. This is great for SEO and for performance in general.
Nuxt.js automatically generates the vue-router configuration based on your file tree of Vue files inside the pages directory. To navigate between pages, we recommend to use the <NuxtLink> component.
<NuxtLink to="/about">About</NuxtLink>
Nuxt.js includes Vuex by default. It automatically integrates Vuex modules into the application based on the file structure of your store directory. Here's an example of creating a Vuex store for user data:
export const state = () => ({
user: null
export const mutations = {
SET_USER(state, user) {
state.user = user
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