Developing with Vue.js (Intermediate)

Developing with Vue.js (Intermediate)
Written by
Wilco team
October 15, 2024
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Developing with Vue.js (Intermediate Level)

Developing with Vue.js (Intermediate)

In this blog post, we will delve into Vue.js, a progressive JavaScript framework widely used in front-end development. We will focus on advanced features such as Vue Router, Vuex, and reusable components, and how these can be used to build dynamic, single-page, and user-friendly applications.

Table of Contents

  1. Vue Router
  2. Vuex
  3. Reusable Components
  4. Performance Optimization
  5. Debugging Techniques
  6. Integrating APIs

Vue Router

Vue Router is an integral part of Vue.js that facilitates navigation within single-page applications. It allows users to navigate between different components without reloading the entire page, making our application more responsive.

// Defining routes
const routes = [
  { path: '/home', component: HomeComponent },
  { path: '/about', component: AboutComponent },

// Creating router instance
const router = new VueRouter({
  routes // short for routes: routes

// Mounting router on the Vue instance
new Vue({


Vuex is a state management pattern + library for Vue.js applications. It serves as a centralized store for all the components in an application, ensuring that the state can only be mutated in a predictable way.

// Creating a Vuex store
const store = new Vuex.Store({
  state: {
    count: 0
  mutations: {
    increment: state => state.count++,
    decrement: state => state.count--

Reusable Components

Components are one of the core features of Vue.js. They help you extend basic HTML elements to encapsulate reusable code. At a high level, components are custom elements that Vue.js’s compiler attaches behavior to.

// Defining a new component called 'button-counter'
Vue.component('button-counter', {
  data: function () {
    return {
      count: 0
  template: ''

Performance Optimization

Vue.js is a performance-centric framework. However, there are ways you can optimize your Vue applications to make them even faster. Some of these techniques include lazy-loading, code-splitting, and using the Vue DevTools for performance profiling.

Debugging Techniques

Debugging is an essential aspect of software development. Vue.js provides a variety of ways to debug your applications, including Vue Devtools, error capturing, and more.

Integrating APIs

Integrating APIs allows your Vue.js application to fetch data asynchronously from a server, thereby making your application dynamic and real-time.

// Using axios to make HTTP requests
.then(response => { =;

Top 10 Key Takeaways

  1. Vue Router is used for navigation in single-page applications.
  2. Vuex aids in effective state management in larger applications.
  3. Vue.js promotes a component-based architecture for reusability of code.
  4. Integrating third-party APIs allows for fetching data asynchronously.
  5. Performance optimization techniques like lazy-loading and code-splitting help make Vue.js applications even faster.
  6. Vue provides several debugging techniques, including Vue Devtools and error capturing.
  7. Vue.js is a performance-centric framework.
  8. Vue.js applications are dynamic and real-time.
  9. Vue.js promotes a component-based architecture for reusability of code.
  10. Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript framework widely used in front-end development.

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