Creating RESTful APIs with Flask (Beginner)

Creating RESTful APIs with Flask (Beginner)
Written by
Wilco team
October 17, 2024
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Creating RESTful APIs with Flask for Beginners

Creating RESTful APIs with Flask (Beginner)

In this blog post, we will delve into the world of RESTful APIs using Flask, a micro web framework written in Python. Starting with the basics, we will cover the installation process, the creation of your first API endpoint, and then move onto more advanced topics including routing, request and response handling, and JSON data formatting.

Setting up Flask

To begin our journey, we first need to install Flask. Flask can be installed via pip, the Python package installer.

# Install Flask
pip install flask

Creating Your First API Endpoint

Now that Flask is installed, we can create our first API endpoint. An endpoint refers to a specific URL where an API can be accessed. Let's create a simple 'hello world' endpoint.

# Import flask module
from flask import Flask

# Create the Flask application
app = Flask(__name__)

def hello_world():
    return 'Hello, World!'

if __name__ == '__main__':

In the above code, we first import the Flask module and then create a Flask web server from the Flask module. The function hello_world is associated with the server route '/' so when your server is running and the '/' route is hit by a client request, the function hello_world will be invoked.

CRUD Operations with Flask

Creating Data (POST)

Now that we have our server set up, let's create a route that allows us to create data. We'll be using HTTP's POST method to accept data from the client.

from flask import request

@app.route('/data', methods=['POST'])
def create_data():
    data = request.get_json()
    # Perform operations to store data
    return 'Data created', 201

In the above code, we define a route that listens for POST requests. We use the request.get_json() function to get the JSON data sent in the request. The function create_data is then used to process and store the data.

Reading Data (GET)

Next, let's create a route that allows us to read data. We'll use the HTTP's GET method for this.

@app.route('/data', methods=['GET'])
def get_data():
    # Get data from data source
    data = "Sample data"
    return data, 200

Updating Data (PUT)

Now, we'll create a route that allows us to update existing data. We'll use HTTP's PUT method for this.

@app.route('/data/', methods=['PUT'])
def update_data(id):
    data = request.get_json()
    # Perform operations to update data
    return 'Data updated', 200

Deleting Data (DELETE)

Finally, we'll create a route that allows us to delete data. We'll use HTTP's DELETE method for this.

@app.route('/data/', methods=['DELETE'])
def delete_data(id):
    # Perform operations to delete data
    return 'Data deleted', 200

Top 10 Key Takeaways

  1. Flask is a lightweight micro web framework for Python.
  2. To create an API endpoint in Flask, we define a function and associate it with a route using the @app.route decorator.
  3. HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) correspond to CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete).
  4. Flask's request object is used to handle incoming requests.
  5. The get_json() method is used to parse the JSON data from the request.
  6. We can define dynamic routes in Flask by adding variable sections to the route parameter of the @app.route decorator.
  7. The HTTP status code 201 means 'Created' and is typically sent as a response after a successful POST request.
  8. Flask routes can handle multiple HTTP methods by providing a list to the methods parameter of the @app.route decorator.
  9. Flask is easy to set up and perfect for creating simple RESTful APIs.
  10. Building APIs with Flask is a great way to learn about backend web development and RESTful architecture.

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