As a developer, there are several scripts that can improve your overall development workflow and increase the speed of your development.
Here are 10 command-line scripts and tools you should consider for your improving your development workflow
- Bat - Bat is a bash script that works like cat in your terminal but this time it adds syntax highlighting to your files and so many more features.
You can check it out here:
- Jq - Jq is a command-line processor for JSON. With Jq, you can manipulate JSON however you want based on certain parameters.
Check it out here:
- Git-open - Git-open allows you to open the repo website of the folder you’re in.
Check it out here:
- Autojump - is a tool that learns your most frequented directories and allows you to switch to them by using a shortcut.
Check it out here:
- pbcopy & pbpaste - With pbcopy and pbpaste you can pipe the output of your commands to your clipboard and read from there. These commands are readily available on your Linux or bash CLI
- grep - grep is a command-line utility for searching plain-text data sets for lines that match a regular expression. This command is readily available in your Linux or bash CLI
- man - man formats and displays the online manual pages of your favourite bash commands. This command is readily available in your Linux or bash CLI.
- Tig - Tig is a Text-mode interface for git.
Check it out here:
- Ttygif - is a tool for creating animated gifs from your terminal sessions.
Check it out here:
- Is-up-cli - This is a cli tool for checking whether a website is up or down.
Check it out here:
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