Wilco Hackathon Recap: Bulding Quests With Community Members

Wilco Hackathon Recap: Bulding Quests With Community Members
Written by
November 9, 2022
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Launching a new product always comes with the dread of not knowing how its audience will react to it. Is the experience satisfying? Is the documentation good enough? It’s difficult to answer these questions without external validation. 

These days, as we’re gearing up to launch the next phase of Wilco, built around the Wilco Editor and the ability for community members to create quests, we’re doing extensive testing of everything editor-related. One of the most exciting efforts came a few weeks ago, when we invited a few members of our local community to an in-person hackathon, where they joined forces with our team to build new quests. 

Following several hours of planning, coding, eating, and drinking, seven new quests were born, and a lot of feedback was written down. Some of the quests were nearly finished during the hackathon, so you’ll be able to play them very soon.

Special shout out to our awesome Wilco Community members: Oryam Nehoray, Yonatan Goldhirsh, Chamutal Zered, Hilla Shahrabani, Yarden Mikhaloff, Yaron Idan, Natali Elashvili, Revital Ben Shmuel, and Vadim Tarasov. 

The New Quests

Units are Falling

What this quest is about: What to do when tests pass when they are separately, but fail when they are run simultaneously.

Community participant: Yonatan Goldhirsh, Yarden Mikhaloff

Bashing It

What this quest is about: Using bash to build a utility script.

Community participant: Chamutal Zered, Revital Ben Shmuel

You Shall Pass 

What this quest is about: Automating tests with GitHub Actions so they run on all PRs.

Community participant: Hilla Shahrabani

To the Cloud and Beyond

What this quest is about: Taking Wilco to the cloud with the right Docker and Kubernetes configuration.

Community participant: Yaron Idan

Pixels Police 

What this quest is about: Accurately implementing a UI component according to specific design requirements.

Community participants: Natali Elashvili and Vadim Tarasov

First Fail 

What this quest is about: Writing tests to catch bugs.

Community participant: Oryam Nehoray

Wrong Rendering

What this quest is about: Fixing a rendering problem in a React component 

These are amazing results for just a few hours of work, and we can't wait to see what our amazing community does with the quest creator when it launches very soon. And if you want to participate in a Wilco hackathon as well, stay tuned for news, as we're just getting started!